#1: PEACE!!!

The pace of development in any nation is dependent on the height of PEACE and SECURITY.  PEACE gained through military invasion will one day turn out to be PIECES on the nation, but peace gained through building positive intercultural relationship will stand the test of time.” – Muwarure O. Peter

One major impediment to PEACE is intolerance of other people. Intolerance can be to differences of race, religion, CULTURES and lifestyles.

This can be changed through education. By educating children and adults alike about different religions, races, cultures and lifestyles in our world we can help them to understand the similarities between everyone. They will understand how insignificant these differences are, how they are not a reason for discrimination or prejudices. We can promote respect and tolerance of others.
Also, to be able to live a peaceful and non-violent life, an individual must first have their basic survival needs (food, shelter and water) met. Alleviating the poverty of our people in our world is one of the first steps to creating an environment of peace and non-violence. For this to ever happen, it has to be a worldwide effort, however it can start with individuals and on a small scale. The simplest step is sharing your own time and resources to help others. This can be done in our own lives, in our homes, at our workplaces, in classrooms. If everyone contributes a small amount of their time and resources to the cause of alleviating the poverty of others, there would be a drastic change in the number of impoverished people in our world.
Gandhi had said “My life is my message” meaning that you have to actively live what you are saying you believe in, it is not enough to just talk about it. This is what we all have to do to create a culture of peace and non-violence!

#iReplacude and I stand for ONE AFRICA.


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